What does healthy poop look like?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

What kind of poop is considered healthy/”normal”?

On the Bristol stool scale the perfect poop is type 3 and type 4.

Type 3: If your faeces resemble a sausage with a slightly cracked surface, it indicates that you have consumed a sufficient amount of fibre, but should perhaps be drinking more water.

Try drinking at least two more glasses of water per day.

Type 4: Stool that looks like a smooth and soft sausage or has a consistency that is similar to that of toothpaste indicates a balanced intake of fibre and water.

Poop perfect! 🙌🦄

What kind of colour is normal?

The colour of a normal stool ranges from light yellow to brown and almost black.

The classic brown colour comes from bile in the stool.

What else should you keep in mind about healthy bowel movement?

Note these four things:

  1. Once you start feeling the need to poo, you should be able to hold it in for a little before having to go to the toilet.
  2. Your poop should be quick and easy to pass, and it shouldn’t take more than a minute.
  3. When you go to the toilet, you should empty your bowel completely so that you do not feel like you need to go again right after.
  4. You should defecate 1–3 times a day to 3 times a week.

How to achieve the perfect poo?

If you feel that your pooping game needs improvement, do these simple things daily and you’ll soon see the joyful results.

  • Keep your body hydrated and drink 8–10 glasses of water per day.
  • Be active: walk 15–30 minutes every day.
  • Learn to manage your stress levels by meditating or doing mindfulness exercises.
  • Eat lots of different plants to get dietary fiber, that helps to normalize bowel movement.
  • Want an extra boost? Try our Feel Good Inside fibre mix to get your bowel movements running like clockwork.

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