What is constipation and how can you relieve it?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Having constipation can be painful and unpleasant, but luckily there’s much you can do about it!

If your stools resemble type 1 or 2 the most, you are likely to be suffering from constipation.

Your nut-like poo is stubborn 🐐 and doesn’t want to come out. Doing your business feels like proper work because stools are hard to pass and it can be painful.

Constipation can also mean that you’re not passing stools regularly or you’re unable to completely empty your bowel in one go.

What causes constipation?

These all can play their part:

  • you’re not drinking enough water;
  • you’re being inactive;
  • you’re living a stressful life;
  • you’re taking antibiotics;
  • you have an autoimmune disease.

But usually it’s this:

👉 You are not eating enough fiber from plants.

Yes, it really can be this simple!

What is this magical fibre?

It’s a non-digestible carbohydrate found only in plants.

Dietary fiber is essential for increasing the weight and size of your stool and also softens it, making it easier to poop.

Most importantly: dietary fiber is food for your gut bacteria. If they have enough fiber to eat, they are happy and the good bacteria can help to keep your inner balance.

But… if you keep your bacteria in hunger, then usually the good ones start to die out and bad ones are going to cause problems for you (“I’m going to the toilet 🚽. Wish me luck!”).

What are the best sources of fibre for relieving constipation?

As said earlier, you ONLY get fiber from plants and when you’re constipated, the best plants to eat are:

🍒 berries (currants, gooseberries);
🍎 fruits (apples, plums);
🥬 vegetables (cabbage, lettuces);
🌾 whole-grain products (whole-wheat bread, whole-grain pasta).

How else can you relieve constipation?

  • Eat more those 👆 plants every day to get more dietary fibers and to soften the poo.
  • If you want faster results, try our Feel Good Inside green fibre blend. Remember to start with lower doses and then gradually increase your intake of the blend.
  • Drink 0.5–1 litres (2–4 glasses) more water per day.
  • Be regularly active, because if you’re active, your bowel is active! Even taking just a 15–30 minute walk every day can work wonders.

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